Everything You Need to Know About CBD and Quitting Smoking

Posted on August 27th, 2022

Are you seeking information on CBD and quitting smoking? Every year, tobacco smoking leads to the deaths of more than eight million people across the world. This number includes both smokers and non-smokers by second-hand smoke. It may seem surprising that smokers continue this habit knowing its dangerous nature. However, smoking is largely addictive and can be hard to break. 

Smokers who decide to quit smoking on the other hand do not have it easy. Strong and unpleasant withdrawal symptoms make it very hard for those trying to quit achieve long-lived success. 

There is recent research that suggests that CBD oil may be helpful to those quitting smoking. And that’s great news for cigarette smokers looking to kick this habit, and lead healthier lives.  

How Addictions Develop

To understand why it is so hard for smokers to quit smoking you need to first understand how a nicotine addiction develops. 

In the short term, smoking produces a positive feeling in the user’s body. Every time you inhale cigarette smoke, the nicotine molecules therein travel to the brain via the bloodstream. As these molecules cross the blood-brain barrier, they interact with various receptors leading to the release of dopamine; a fairly strong neurotransmitter that is involved in the reward pathways of the brain. 

Simply put, the inhalation of cigarette smoke leads to the release of mood-inducing hormones. These hormones are responsible for providing a feeling of reduced stress or pressure.  

Over time, a strong habit is formed. This happens as the brain correlates smoking with the resultant release of dopamine, a neurochemical reward. The neurotransmission involved in self-control and stress shifts over time as this reward pathway is triggered over and over again when smoking. 

It is worth mentioning that the body of a smoker, including the brain, is not actually addicted to nicotine. But rather, the neurochemical reward triggered by its consumption. 

At this point, it is clear to see just how deeply the brain’s reward chemistry is involved in people with a tobacco addiction. This is part of the reason why some smokers find it so hard to quit smoking. 

man in green shirt holding cbd tinctureWays of Quitting Cigarette Smoking  

It is true that most smokers find it hard to successfully quit smoking. However, some have actually done it by avoiding their nicotine fix and braving through a period of cold turkey. 

However, for those who struggle with shaking the habit, there are a number of ways they can use to wean themselves off tobacco. Nicotine patches, nicotine chewing gum, and even vaping are some of the main options available. These may help smokers looking to gradually reduce their over-reliance on cigarette smoking through nicotine replacement therapy. 

In this approach, smokers get their nicotine fix, though at a reduced level, from sources other than tobacco cigarettes. This helps them reduce their over-reliance on nicotine. It also helps them avoid the act of smoking, which is considered to be carcinogenic. 

While this approach does have its advantages, it also means that the brain continues to get its nicotine fix. However, the nicotine consumption is at a lower volume, for longer. This means that smokers trying to quit may find it harder to get over their addiction to nicotine further down the line. 

Whenever such a person goes without their nicotine fix for longer than normal, they are likely to experience severe withdrawal symptoms. Some of these symptoms may include anxiety, irritability, depression, weight gain, headaches, and sore throat among others. 

Adding to it, such individuals are more likely to succumb to their nicotine cravings whenever they engage in an activity that reminds them of smoking.  

CBD and Quitting Smoking: Other Options

So, is there a way for smokers to quit smoking without having to brave the negative effects of nicotine withdrawal? Well, according to research findings, CBD oil may help those trying to quit achieve their goals, without the negative effects. If you are wondering how this happens, continue reading below. 

Studies Investigating CBD and Quitting Tobacco Smoking 

In recent years CBD has emerged as a product that may help cigarette smokers quit. CBD is an active compound found in the cannabis plant. This compound is typically extracted from industrial hemp plants, but is found in all cannabis satival L. plants. This active ingredient produces its effects by interacting with the body’s endocannabinoid system.  

According to research findings, CBD might also help smokers quit by interacting with the endocannabinoid system (ECS).

One study published in the journal of Addictive Behaviors found that using CBD and quitting smoking helped reduce cigarette consumption by a significant margin over the course of a week. It also observed that drugs that interact with the ECS could help smokers overcome their reliance on nicotine. 

In this study, a group of 24 smokers with the desire to quit smoking were involved in a double-blind, placebo-controlled pilot. The group was then divided into two, each with an equal number of members. Members of one group were given placebo inhalers while the other group received a CBD inhaler. The instructions were for each member to use their inhaler whenever they craved a cigarette. 

After a week, members of the group using the CBD inhalers reported a 40 percent decrease in cigarette consumption. Furthermore, the smokers that used the CBD inhaler also reported maintaining this effect, ev