Why Does Tanasi Make Full-Spectrum Products?
Posted on November 11th, 2022
We also make Broad Spectrum products too! We don’t make isolate products, because we always construct our products with at least two (2) cannabinoids; CBD and CBDA with equal amounts of each covering our 1:1 patent-pending University developed formula. Our focus is to keep all of our products within the 1:1 CBD+CBDA patent-pending formula, and THC levels at the levels of legal biomass levels for hemp biomass. Some companies are adding lots of THC to their products because they extracted it from hemp, and this is confusing to consumers and what happens when there is no regulatory frameworks from FDA.
Let’s define these terms really quick … Full Spectrum identifies all of the extracted molecules; Broad Spectrum identifies all of the extracted molecules without THC; Isolate means singular, representing just one cannabinoid.
There are so many ways to get your daily doses of Tanasi. We’ve got muscle relief rubs, tinctures, lotions, drink concentrates, softgels, gummies and the extracts are either oils, or water soluble. With all that variety, there’s one feature that remains constant: all our products contain a full spectrum, patent-pending university-developed, formula of cannabidiolic acid (CBDA) and cannabidiol (CBD).
You may be wondering, what does all of this mean? And why did we choose to use this patent-pending form of CBD with having an equal amount of CBDA in our Tanasi product line? Well, it’s simple — University scientists, using funding from our parent company, GreenWay Herbal Products, LLC, put all the combinations of hemp extracted cannabinoids together and researched the effects. You can read about the research here.
Our Tanasi products contain the “CBD” cannabinoid, its acidic precursor “CBDA,” plus all the other naturally occurring compounds found in the hemp plant extracted from that batch of hemp — and then there’s a bunch of different versions of the hemp plant! Yes, it can be confusing, and we do our best to explain without over-explaining! The Federal legal limits of THC in hemp are 0.3%, or three-tenths of one percent, which is very low. Some marijuana (not hemp) plants can contain over 20% THC.
So, that’s what full-spectrum means — THC included, but in CBD products it can be low. Borad-spectrum means, No THC. But what does that really mean for you? Let’s take a closer look.
Why Most Tanasi Products are Full Spectrum Extracts 
All those cannabinoids may work better together, according to current wisdom. As a result, most people say that you’ll notice a more dramatic effect when you consume a full spectrum product than when you try a CBD isolate. Either way, your body will process the molecules.
But what does that term mean? If you use CBD Isolate, you’re getting the opposite of full-spectrum. With this type of product, you get CBD all by itself (or at concentrations around 99%). But you won’t get any other fabulous plant compounds. And the receptors that process CBD are different from the receptors that process CBDA.
Why would that even matter, you may ask? Let’s take a closer look at a few other hemp stars, and you should see why we’re a dedicated full-spectrum brand.
If you are confused, you are not alone. There are many bright minds that are in the discovery and research fields that continue to learn something new about cannabis each day.
On the website, clinicaltrials.gov you will find 157 completed clinical trials of studies as of 11.11.22 for just CBD. There are 27 active studies on just CBDA as of 11.11.22. Research is ongoing, and clinical trials are very important.
Of course, all our products contain CBD, which is the hemp plant’s most abundant compound. But, as we mentioned earlier, what makes Tanasi products so unique is that we produce our master formula with a 1:1 ratio of CBD and CBDA that requires chemist skills to formulate.
When combined, CBDA and CBD deliver a 2X benefit when compared to CBD alone, as measured in University research and patent filing. And our university-developed, researched formula shows that the two cannabinoids are better together, even when included a full spectrum profile, or a broad spectrum profile. And that’s why our scientific team developed a proprietary, optimal blend of the two (CBD/CBDA), which goes into every single Tanasi hemp-derived product.
Additional Cannabinoids
After those big-name ingredients, there are some other compounds in our hemp extract that deserve to be highlighted. Like CBG (Cannabigerol), for example, which, when broken down, gives birth to THCA or CBDA. Closest to nature, including CBG in our full-spectrum blend allows us to come close to recapturing the original mix inside a plant.
There are many cannabinoids, and the number is close to 140+ that have been identified to date. Each cannabis plant has a profile of cannabinoids, and none are as prevalent as what we have already discussed.
In addition to cannabinoids, some of our CBD products contain hemp-derived terpenes. These are the flavonoid compounds found in the cannabis sativa L. plant. In fact, our new, blueberry GOLD tincture is entirely flavored by these exciting compounds! Yes, terpenes that are flavonoids have a blueberry scent and taste!
Now, you can find terpenes in all plants. They’re responsible for the smell and taste that exists in nature. As such, our hemp extracted terpenes give off the unique and natural scent found in our Tanasi hemp extract products.
But what is that taste experience? It varies across product lines. After all, with products like a softgel, you’ll have a tasteless and odorless experience. Try