Hemp Gummies vs CBD Gummies

Posted on October 24th, 2022

Does it seem like everyone just started talking about hemp? It’s actually an ancient product. In fact, for centuries,  mankind used hemp for many different purposes. From industrial fabrics to clothing, hemp has a long human history.

So, what’s the newest use for this old favorite? Now, it’s all about the gummies. That’s why, in the following article, we will touch upon the differences between hemp gummies vs CBD gummies. Are they the same or barely related to one another? Let’s find out.

What Is Hemp?Hemp Gummies vs CBD Gummies - grown hemp plant

Hemp is a specific variety of the Cannabis Sativa plant. While many people mistakenly think marijuana and hemp are the same thing, this is far from the case. In reality, they are different varieties of cannabis plants. And they’re distinguished by their THC content.

You see, hemp-derived CBD contains less than 0.3% THC (or tetrahydrocannabinol), the substance that makes you ‘high.’ As a result, these CBD products are completely legal at the federal level.

Also, such low THC content makes CBD non-psychoactive and therefore incapable of making you ‘high.’ But here’s a little-known fact that matters when it comes to choosing hemp vs CBD. You mostly find cannabidiol in the flower and stalks of the grown hemp plant. But there’s little to no CBD inside hemp seeds.

What Is Hemp Seed Oil?

Quite simply, it’s oil derived from hemp seeds. We extract this oil using a process similar to sourcing olive oil from olive seeds.  Hemp seed oil is a very popular supplement as it is rich in omega-3 fatty acids, which may improve cardiovascular health. Despite coming from the seeds of the hemp plant, there’s no CBD in hemp seed oil.

Why Is Hemp So Famous Right Now?

As stated before, humans have used raw hemp for various purposes. And for hundreds of years, too. It became the basis for clothing and for making ropes, as our earliest records show. However, the invention of the cotton gin made it easier to process cotton as compared to hemp, and the plant lost some of its glory. Certain laws also came to prominence in the 1930s, banning hemp growth, even for agricultural uses.

In recent years, hemp made a comeback as CBD saw increasing legalization in the US. CBD products from industrial hemp are federally legal as long as they don’t contain more than 0.3% THC. As explained earlier, THC is the compound responsible for the high associated with marijuana consumption. Since CBD products derived from industrial hemp only have trace amounts of THC, psychoactive properties aren’t a concern.

Is Hemp the Same as Marijuana?

Even though marijuana and hemp belong to the same genus of plants, cannabis sativa, they come with certain key differences. The biggest of these is that hemp plants contain little THC. On the other hand, marijuana contains a lot of THC, which is the reason you get ‘stoned’ from its extracts. In short, besides a few physical differences in their final grown form, what separates hemp and marijuana, legally, is each plant’s THC content.

What Is CBD?

CBD is a cannabinoid, which is the name given to the family of compounds found in cannabis plants. There are many different types of these compounds. In fact, as of today, we’ve identified more than 100 cannabinoids. The two most well-known (and most abundant) are CBD and THC.

CBD is short for cannabidiol. It is a non-psychoactive compound, which means that it doesn’t get you high. On the other hand, THC or tetrahydrocannabinol has strong psychoactive effects.

How Do They Extract CBD From Hemp?

We can use a variety of extraction methods to produce CBD products from raw hemp plant sources. Each of these different methods comes with its own advantages and limitations.

The most common method is the solvent extraction method, as it costs the least and is pretty straightforward. In this method, the plant material submerges in a solvent. Then, once the plant material absorbs the liquid, the solvent binds to its internal compounds. This mixture undergoes heating to get concentrated CBD as hydrocarbons have a low boiling point compared to hemp compounds.

Another method is carbon dioxide extraction. It’s an advanced extraction method, and it’s used by the best CBD producers. This technique results in completely safe, pure, and healthy CBD concentrate. However, it is quite expensive. In this method, compressed CO2 in the liquid state passes over dried hemp plant material. The latter will change its chemical composition, and it ends up yielding highly concentrated CBD extract.

Is Hemp Seed Oil the Same as CBD Oil?

CBD oil is completely different from hemp seed oil. For decades, we’ve legally purchased hemp seed oil, but CBD oil just became permissible after the U.S. government passed the 2018 Farm Bill. The biggest difference between these two products is that CBD oil is derived from the leaves, flowers, and stalks of the hemp plant. On the other hand, hemp oil comes only from the seeds of the plant. Hemp seed oil is rich in a variety of nutrients and fatty acids as well as bioactive compounds, but it contains next to no CBD. On the other hand, CBD oil is rich in CBD and low in THC, which hemp seed oil also lacks.

What Are CBD Gummies?

CBD Gummies are a form of CBD edibles. These contain a significant amount of CBD. They offer an easy way to get CBD into your body. Like all other CBD products, CBD gummies also come in several variations, including full-spectrum CBD, broad-spectrum CBD and CBD isolate.

Full spectrum CBD contains all the phytochemicals present in the plant, including various types of terpenes and cannabinoids. (It also contains trace amounts of THC). Now, broad-spectrum CBD contains all the beneficial phytochemicals, but it does not contain any THC. And CBD isolates contain 99% pure cannabidiol, with almost no detectable traces of other plant compounds.

Are There Hemp Gummies?

The simple answer is yes. You can buy hemp gummies. The big difference between CBD gummies and hemp gummies is that hemp gummies may not contain CBD if they’re infused with hemp seed oil. Instead, hemp gummies will contain the fatty acids and vitamins that hemp seed oil features. In other words, both can be useful supplements, they just won’t produce the same effects.

Different Effects of Hemp Gummies vs CBD GummiesHemp Gummies vs CBD Gummies - hemp seeds and cannabis leaf

While both hemp and CBD Gummies may prove to be effective supplements, they won’t give you the same results, just as drinking cranberry juice and coffee will offer different additions to your daily routine. Each person has a different and unique experience with CBD gummies, which you’d have to try for yourself to understand.

Hemp Seed Oil Gummies: What are the Uses?

  1. Better Digestion – Hemp gummies may help regulate digestion. They may also reduce gut inflammation, and they also seem to banish the feeling of bloating.
  2. Reduce Inflammation – Hemp oil is rich in omega-3 fatty acids, and those may reduce inflammatory compounds in your body. As such, products containing omega-3 fatty acids like hemp gummies are helpful for reducing inflammation.
  3. Pain Relief – Hemp gummies seem to have anti-inflammatory properties, which means that may provide therapeutic relief for chronic or acute pain.

Hemp Gummies vs CBD Gummies – Which is better?

The answer depends on the type of experience you seek, and your unique body type and state of health. No one can answer this question but you. Except for your healthcare provider, who can offer guidance as to safety and instances where you should not try one or both of these supplements.

What Are Hemp Gummies Best Suited For?

Hemp gummies are rich in omega-3 fatty acids, which your body does not produce on its own. These gummies therefore make a great dietary supplement.  Plus, they may improve digestion, and fight inflammation in the body. Choose the gummies that better suit your current situation and goals.

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