The Absolute Best Drinks For Your Hikes Have CBD + CBDa!

drinks for your hikes - water soluble cbd testimonial

Posted on June 28th, 2023

When you’re heading out for a day hike, it’s very important to make a plan for staying hydrated. You see, if you don’t drink water in sufficient amounts, or eat properly, you could face the hiker’s biggest fear: the ‘bonk.’ It’s what happens if glycogen stores get depleted from your muscles and liver. And it’s something you really want to avoid. Clearly, you need to be prepared with hiking drinks as you hit the trail. But, as it turns out, you also need to pre-game for your hikes—at least when it comes to your hydration. Read on to learn some of the best drinks for your hikes!

The Best Drinks For Your Hikes: What to Drink Before and During a Hike water soluble cbd

You want to make sure you’re hydrated at the start of your hike. So, to be safe, you need to drink water—and a lot of it—before your day hike. But when it comes to drinks for your hikes, what’s the magic number? Of course, this depends on your size and current hydration level, but about 32 ounces (or four glasses) of water should do the trick…Just don’t drink them all at once, or you’ll lose most of your efforts (and a lot of your hiking time) searching for relief spots along the trail. 

While you’re hiking, your drinking needs to keep up with you. As a general rule of thumb, you should drink 16 ounces for every mile you hike. But here, again, you don’t want to chug it all in one go. Instead, sip slowly as you walk. And don’t wait until you feel thirsty—that’s a sign that you’ve already started dehydrating! 

Now, depending on the length of your hike, that can be a lot of water to carry on your back. In fact, it may be impossible. So, if you’re preparing for a longer day hike, or a multi-day excursion, you’ll probably need to source and purify water in the wild. Clearly, staying hydrated while you hike doesn’t have to be difficult—but it does require planning. 

And, it requires something else: the knowledge that your hydration game doesn’t end when your hike does. In reality, what you drink after you get home matters just as much, or even more. Just keep reading for the drinks that will end your day hike with a bang. 

Post-Hike Bonus Boost: Ginger Shots and CBD

After you leave the trail, you’ll certainly want to keep drinking water. But, may we suggest adding a signature Tanasi (drink concentrate) to a ginger shot to your post-hike routine? More than just a trendy drink idea, we’ve got science on our side with this recommendation. 

You see, ginger isn’t just a flavorful spice. In fact, it has a powerful history in both Chinese and Indian medicine, thanks to its antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties.  Now, these two properties are always great, but they’re especially important after a tough hike.

While you’re on the trail, you’re pushing your muscles; the soreness you experience afterward is actually a sign of tiny tears in your muscle fibers.  When those tears heal, your muscles emerge stronger and larger. But, if they don’t heal properly, you could get hurt. 

Left to their own devices, those tears will heal, but the process can be slow. You can, however, speed up that recovery—your body just needs the proper fuel. And, given ginger’s strength as a known natural anti-inflammatory, we think a ginger shot is an exact fuel you’ve been searching for. 

What is a ginger shot, you may ask? It’s pretty simple: it’s just the juice of the ginger root. We drink the juice in shot-sized portions for one simple reason: ginger juice is sharp, and a shot is about all most people can handle. Our Tanasi drink concentrate comes in 2mg per drop, or 4mg per drop versions. You can turn your ginger shot into a 10mg ginger CBD shot in seconds by just adding the Tanasi water-soluble drink concentrate. 

You can buy pre-made ginger shots—there are plenty available on the market—or, you can make your own as we do. Which will leave you plenty of room for adding our secret ingredient: Tanasi’s water-soluble CBD + CBDa, the perfect complement to a post-workout recovery drink. Infused with our patent-pending, 1:1 CBD to CBDa formulation, it’s 2X more effective than drink concentrates with CBD alone! 

Tanasi’s CBD Ginger Shot Recipe

Making our cannabidiol (CBD) and cannabidiolic acid (CBDa) ginger shot couldn’t be easier. All you need is ginger root, water or lemon juice, our water-soluble CBD, a blender and a s