What Is The Best CBDa and CBD Extraction Method?

Posted on April 21st, 2023

Cannabidiol (CBD) is a cannabinoid compound that occurs naturally in Cannabis. Remember, there are many varieties of cannabis plants, including high-THC marijuana and low-THC hemp. Here at Tanasi, we extract CBD from hemp plants, so that they are legal and contain less than 0.3% THC by dry weight. And so that they aren’t psychoactive or intoxicating. 

But in order to get the full effects of that CBD, we’ve spent years researching the best ways to deliver this plant extract to you. And here’s what we’ve discovered: CBD is 2X more effective when we combine it in a 1:1, patent-pending formulation with CBDa. But that’s not the only way we help make all of our supplements more effective. Because we also pay close attention to the best CBDa and CBD extraction method. 

What Does CBDa and CBD Extraction Mean?

This refers to the process of removing the CBDa and CBD compounds from hemp flowers, turning them into extracts ready for infusion into other products. 

In order to get our premium, high-quality CBDa and CBD products, we take lots of care during processing. It is important to note that even well-grown plants with a high CBD percentage can fail to yield extracts if you use the wrong extraction method. Simply put, the extraction method impacts the quality, potency, purity, and effectiveness of the resulting hemp-extracted supplement.

Which Is the Best CBD Extraction Method?

There is no simple answer to this question. For starters, we can extract CBD from hemp flowers using several different methods. Additionally, with each passing day, new extraction methods are developing, so we strive to stay up-to-date and at the cutting edge of hemp technology. 

There are many factors that come into play when choosing the best extraction method. Each method has its benefits and drawbacks. To try and find an answer to the question above, we first have to understand the different types of methods used when you extract CBD from hemp flowers.

A Detailed Analysis of The Methods Used in Extracting CBD Oil

These are some methods you can use to process CBD oil:


You can strip CBD from hemp flowers using solvents such as alcohol, butane, and ethanol. Ethanol is the most commonly used solvent for this method because of its effectiveness.

In this extraction process, you mix hemp flowers with a solvent to dissolve and isolate the CBD. Once you’ver removed cannabinoid compounds from the hemp flowers, you can then evaporate the solvent, leaving behind crude CBD oil for further processing. 


  •       The solvent extraction method usually produces a higher yield of CBD oil compared to other extraction methods.
  •       It is more cost-effective since the processing does not require a lot of sophisticated machinery.
  •        You can try ethanol extraction at home as long as you exercise great care when evaporating the ethanol to yield a concentrated oil.


  •       This extraction method can be dangerous since the solvents used in the process are highly flammable.
  •       Depending on the solvent used and its concentration, there is a risk of the cannabinoids getting damaged, lowering the potency and effectiveness of the final extract.
  •       Trace amounts of chlorophyll and solvent may remain in the extract, reducing the final’s product’s purity and safety.

CO2 Extraction

Though it requires the use of expensive machines, carbon dioxide (CO2) gas extraction is a great way of processing CBD from hemp. While CO2 is a gas, it turns into a liquid with heat and pressure, allowing it to act as a natural solvent.

Under this method, machines freeze CO2 gas and then pressurize it. Next, it’s heated to a supercritical state so that it adopts a liquid state. When in this liquid state, the CO2 is then passed over hemp flowers, already waiting in an extracting machine. Now acting as a natural solvent, the CO2 extracts the cannabinoids which then flow into a collection contai