What is Delta 8 CBD? Let’s Clarify a Common Misconception.

Posted on June 28th, 2022

If you’re wondering, is Delta 8 legal, first you need to know, “What is delta 8 CBD?” But here’s the truth: delta 8 CBD doesn’t exist. In reality, it’s name is delta 8 THC. Some people confuse this compound with CBD because it Delta-8 THC comes from CBD after processing. But it’s important to note that these two compounds are different. And that the answer to “is delta 8 legal?” may soon change. 

By this point, most of us are familiar with THC and CBD, the two major cannabinoids in the cannabis plant. But these two natural compounds are only the tip of the iceberg. Experts now believe there are over 120 different unique cannabinoids in the cannabis plant. In recent years, scientists have isolated and extracted many of these compounds for testing.

Delta-8 THC is one of these recently isolated compounds. Because some companies advertise it as a less-psychoactive THC alternative, it’s not surprising that people confuse it with CBD. What you learn in this article will help you clarify the subject for anyone who asks “what is delta 8 CBD?” But let’s start with an overview of important cannabis topics.

What is Marijuana?

Marijuana is cannabis that contains more than 0.3%THC. If cannabis contains less than 0.3% THC it is considered hemp. Cannabis is one of the oldest psychoactive substances on the planet. The plant’s flowers also referred to as “buds” attract recreational users, though the entire plant is useful.

The most potent psychoactive compound in marijuana is Delta-9 THC. Cannabidiol (CBD) is another abundant cannabinoid. It lacks the intoxicating potential of THC. A few other cannabinoids we are familiar with include cannabinol (CBN), cannabichromene (CBC), and cannabigerol (CBG).

hemp effects on lungsWhat is Delta 9 THC?

Delta 9 THC is one of the most abundant cannabinoids in marijuana; it’s what causes highs when you smoke the plant. THC has been in the scientific spotlight for decades as researchers have discovered potential health benefits. 

While you might wonder, is delta 8 legal, you don’t have to consider that question for delta 9 THC. That’s because it’s illegal in many states. Hemp plants contain a very low percentage of Delta 9. 

Effects of Delta 9 THC

The cannabinoids in the marijuana plant are classified as phytocannabinoids. But your body produces its own cannabinoids, called endocannabinoids. Both work by bonding with endocannabinoid receptors called CB1 and CB2. Different cannabinoids will bond differently and to varying degrees. Two cannabinoids may have very similar effects yet only one of them has a high affinity for bonding. Delta 9 THC shares a very similar chemical structure to the endocannabinoid anandamide. But THC has a much higher potency, affinity for bonding, and a shorter activation time.

There are undoubtedly many effects of Delta 9 THC that are still not fully understood. We are constantly learning more about this compound as well as other cannabinoids through scientific research.

Delta 9 Legality

The legal status of the cannabis plant is tied very closely to its delta 9 THC levels. On a federal level in the United States, cannabis that contains more than 0.3 % delta 9 THC is illegal. It is classified as a Schedule I drug. 

The legality does vary some from one state to another despite remaining illegal according to federal law. A few of the states that allow recreational use of delta 9 THC include Alaska, Colorado, California, and  New York. Then there are some states that allow delta 9 THC for medical use, such as Delaware, Arkansas, and Florida.

What Is CBD?

Like THC, CBD has become one of the most popular cannabinoids. 

CBD was discovered in 1940; it’s since been the subject of numerous studies. Even so, we still have very few high-quality CBD studies. But we do know many ways to use this cannabinoid. Following extraction, we can use CBD in capsules, tinctures, and oils. It is also present in smaller quantities when smoking dried cannabis flower or buds.

Where Does CBD Come From?

As with THC and other cannabinoids, CBD is abundantly present in cannabis plants. It accounts for roughly 40 percent of the plant’s phytocannabinoid content. And, thanks to breeding and cultivation advances, we can now grow hemp with even higher concentrations.

Several states have built a reputation for their hemp farms and CBD production. 

Will CBD Get You High?

No. This is the major factor that separates CBD from THC. CBD will not make you high, which is why it remains accepted as legal across the country. In many states, you can find CBD products at grocery stores, gas stations, and specialty shops. 

What Is Delta 8 and is Delta 8 legal?

Delta-8 THC is a phytocannabinoid that is similar in structure to Delta-9 and has some of similar effects. It has been accepted by some states, and has not been challenged as legal or not in others. It is currently processed from hemp, and there is no questions, Delta-8 THC will get you high. 

Conclusion: What is Delta 8 CBD?

The details of how the many cannabinoids work can be pretty confusing. It’s no wonder people ask things like “what is delta 8 CBD?” Hopefully this article has provided some clarity about CBD, Delta-8 THC (processed from CBD) and Delta-9 THC.Â