Valentine’s Day Gift Ideas: DIY CBD Bath Bomb with CBDA

Posted on February 7th, 2023

Before you try making a DIY CBD bath bomb for your Valentine, it’s important to understand how this spa trend got its start. Bath bombs were first invented in 1989, but years later they’re still popular. (And they come with many new twists!) They were originally made by hand with locally sourced ingredients. The owner of Lush, which was one of the first stores to sell these hot holiday gift items, started experimenting with making them himself in his basement because they weren’t available in shops. Today, bath bombs are a billion-dollar industry, but they’re still handmade by experts.

There’s nothing comparable to enjoying a long, warm bath at the end of a stressful day. A CBD + CBDA bath bomb can be a great addition to your at-home spa treatment. And a DIY CBD bath bomb is a more affordable way to enjoy this product.


Cannabidiolic-acid (CBDA) is a chemical precursor to cannabidiol (CBD). When heated, that CBDA converts to CBD, which is one of more than 100 chemical compounds, called cannabinoids, that form naturally in all the strains of cannabis sativa L. plants. (That includes both low-THC hemp and high-THC marijuana plants.)

But why would you want to use these compounds together? Well, we developed our Tanasi formula of 1:1 CBD+CBDA using a team of scientists inside a University campus science lab. They were able to prove that CBD and CBDA are processed by different receptors, and work better when taken together. You can read all about the scientific discovery in the patent application here.

Making Your Own DIY CBD Bath Bomb CBD Bath Bombs

Making your own CBD +CBDA bath bomb is easier than you might think. It’s also a great way to save money, or to create a more personalized holiday gift. You can make these bath boms with or without essential oils; if you don’t want an added scent, use pure coconut oil instead.

Note: Feel free to change up the type of carrier oil used – grapeseed oil and avocado oil are also great options.


The amount of CBD you will need depends on the size of your bath bombs, but a good place to start is around 20mg per bomb for a small batch.

Baking Soda

You can find baking soda just about anywhere these days, so it’s easy to pick up a box without making a trip to another store. This ingredient will help your bath bombs fizz properly and keep them from dissolving in the bathtub.

Citric Acid

This is also a common household item that you can find at most grocery stores without any problems, and it’s great for balancing out the pH level of your mixture so it doesn’t irritate sensitive skin types.


This is an optional ingredient that you can use if you want your bath bomb to be more moisturizing; it’s great for dry, chapped, or irritated skin because of its anti-inflammatory properties. Keep in mind that people with sensitive skin should avoid this additive unless they’re sure it won’t cause them any problems.


You’ll need to use distilled water for this recipe because it has a lower mineral content than tap water. This will also help the bath bomb mixture set up properly without leaving residue behind your tub or shower.

Essential Oils

This is where you can have some fun coming up with different bath bomb scents! Lavender, chamomile, and peppermint are all great options to help reduce stress while also making your skin feel soft.

If you want to use essential oil that isn’t included in the recipe above, make sure it’s safe for topical application and doesn’t contain too much alcohol. Alternatively, skip this step, since our Tanasi CBD+CBDA contains terpenes, which are the compounds in cannabis and other plants that lend them a distinct scent and aroma.

Food Coloring

This is optional if you don’t mind your bath bombs being clear or white; this will add a little extra color without any flavor. If you do choose to use food coloring, make sure you find one that’s safe for bath products; some dyes can irritate sensitive skin.

Plastic Balloons

This is an easy and cost-effective way to mold your mixture into fun shapes like hearts or stars! You’ll need balloons big enough to hold at least two cups of liquid, and it helps if they’re pretty thin so the mixture doesn’t over-expand.

Important: Make sure you don’t use any balloons that are marked “twist tie” since those won’t work for this project! Instead, choose ones that you’ll be able to fill up all the way without them popping or tearing.

Carrier Oil (optional)

You can infuse CBD into any oil of your choice; it’s best not to use olive or vegetable oil, though, as they may go rancid. Coconut oil will give you the best results for infusing CBD into your mixture. Or, you can work with Tanasi CBD+CBDA which is already mixed with MCT oil.

Ready? Here’s how you can make our DIY CBD Bath Bomb woman soaking in tub for winter skin care

  1. Combine baking soda, cornstarch and citric acid.
  2. Add CBD oil and carrier oil if needed.
  3. Mix all the ingredients together until they form a paste; add water as needed to make sure everything sticks together. If you use coconut oil instead of another type of carrier oil, then adding water will be unnecessary.
  4. Once you have your mixture, use a spoon to drop it into molds of any shape or size that you prefer. If you’re using balloons, you can put them in at this point. You can also just leave the bath bombs in their loose form if you don’t want to bother with making them into shapes.
  5. Leave the bath bomb mixture out for several hours until it hardens.
  6. As soon as the DIY bath bombs harded, remove them from the molds or take them out in their loose form and store in an airtight container until ready for use.
  7. Enjoy!

Dos & Don’ts of CBD Bath Bombs

Although infusing CBD into your bathwater can be a great addition to your self-care routine, there are a few things you should keep in mind when making your own DIY CBD bath bomb.

– Do not add CBD oil directly into your bathwater. Make sure you mix it into your bath bomb first to avoid causing damage to your tub.

Essential Oils That Go Well With CBD Bath Bombs


Want an extra hit of essential oil goodness in your DIY bath bomb? Consider one of these fan favorites:


Has been used for centuries to relax the body and mind.


Helps relieve tension in muscles and joints


Energizes the body and mind, while relieving menstrual cramps, headaches, or migraines.


Promotes a deep state of relaxation and is an ancient home remedy for skin inflammation. Frankincense also has a grounding effect, making it a great choice for meditation or spiritual practices.


Relaxes the body and mind, while commonly used in aromatherapy to relieve stress, depression, or anxiety. It can help with both mental clarity as well as focus, making it an ideal essential oil for meditation.


Increases energy levels and mental clarity; has a rejuvenating effect that boosts motivation and enthusiasm! Rosemary is an excellent choice for aromatherapy during bath and meditation due to its uplifting effects on one’s mood.


This oil encourages the release of endorphins in your brain that will help you relax.


It promotes the release of good thoughts and emotions.

If you want to give someone the gift of relaxation this holiday season, a DIY bath bomb with CBD+CBDA could be the perfect way to show you care.  Feel free to play around with the mixture and essential oil blends until you find one that perfectly matches your needs.

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