The Negative Side Effects of CBD You Should Know About

Posted on May 18th, 2021

Since CBD exploded onto the market, many people say they’ve still not tried it. Isn’t it ironic how much controversy surrounds the plant it comes from, yet it may help people with numerous conditions? It is indeed mind-blowing when you think about it. If you have been against cannabis because you think it is dangerous, it would be wise to do some research first. That way, when you speak, you can have all the facts you need to form an educated opinion. Read on to discover detailed information about the benefits and the negative side effects of CBD.

What Are Cannabinoids?

These are compounds in the cannabis plant that have many potential therapeutic uses. They include CBD (cannabidiol), and THC (tetrahydrocannabinol) among many others. The symptoms that they may help manage include anxiety, insomnia, and nausea, to mention but a few. Your body has an endocannabinoid system with which the cannabinoid receptors interact. The endocannabinoid system (ECS) is responsible for maintaining functional balance in the body and has three main components. Note that cannabinoids have many effects that depend on the cannabinoid receptors’ activation.

What Is CBD?

Cannabidiol is one of the prevalent and active ingredients of cannabis that exists in high concentrations in the hemp plant. However, it does not cause you to get high even though it comes from cannabis. There are so many potential health benefits CBD offers. Though research on the compound is still relatively new, the findings are very promising so far.  

Water-Soluble CBD Bioavailability - water soluble cbdEffects Of CBD

Could it Ease Stress and Anxiety?

Do you need help relaxing, it is time that you try something that can help. You deserve that good night’s sleep and better mental health. You shouldn’t suffer, and CBD may provide relief. Drugs that treat depression and anxiety tend to cause side effects. Additionally, some of them may lead to dependence. On the other hand, CBD offers a natural approach that many people say is helpful. Of course, this doesn’t mean there are no negative side effects of CBD, they’re just mild for most people.

May Reduce Acne

Knowing that acne is due to bacteria, sebum overproduction, and inflammation, you may be glad to hear that CBD can impact all of these. According to recent studies, it can decrease sebum production, thus improving your skin condition. However promising these results are, the scientific community still needs to conduct more research.

May Improve Heart Health

According to research, CBD displays some promise regarding conditions of the heart. These include high blood pressure, which could lead to a heart attack, stroke, and metabolic syndrome. What’s more, CBD’s anxiety and stress-reducing properties may help lower high blood pressure. Also, CBD’s vasodilating potential sets it up to possibly improve overall blood circulation and heart function.

How Does CBD Work?

The endocannabinoid system modulates the functioning of the brain, endocrine, and immune systems. It not only responds to endogenous cannabinoids that the body produces, but also to phytocannabinoids from plants. Receptors within the ECS, namely, the CB1 and CB2, are present throughout the whole body. CB1 receptors are mainly in the hypothalamus part of the brain and Amygdala, among others, whereas the CB2 receptors are mostly in the immune cells and spleen. In a nutshell, the endocannabinoid system maintains a balance in the body, a process known as homeostasis. The positive and negative side effects of CBD are due to its interaction with the ECS.

Why Do People Use CBD?

Most people using it do so because they are seeking relief from something that is troubling them. Chronic pain is one of the most common ailments that cannabidiol may ease. Others that are not as common include fibromyalgia and neuropathy. Some users report that CBD makes their conditions more manageable. However, keep in mind that you don’t have to be ill to consume CBD. You can simply take it to help your body maintain homeostasis.

Another reason people are growing fond of CBD is because you can’t truly overdose. Even in extremely high amounts, CBD is still safe and doesn’t have a risk of a dangerous overdose. However, you should still seek a doctor’s advice before trying this supplement. 

Where Does CBD Come From?

Most companies who make CBD products get theirs from the hemp plant. Hemp plants are slightly different from marijuana plants in terms of appearance as they can be skinny and scarce in foliage. Cannabidiol is present in the plant’s leaves, flowers, and stem. There are many ways to extract CBD from hemp or marijuana. One common technique is the solvent method. Solvents like ethanol and butane, among others, pull CBD from the plant material. A safer, cleaner, more expensive method is CO2 extraction.

Hemp vs Marijuana

These plants aren’t the same. However, they are from the same species. Besides the difference in appearance, the key difference is the THC content. The latter is responsible for the high or intoxicating effect of marijuana. With that comes another difference, although not in composition. Because marijuana plants have more than 0.3% THC content, they are federally illegal in the US. By definition, hemp plants have less than 0.3% THC, and are thus federally legal. So CBD products containing only 0.3% THC (full spectrum) are also fully legal. If you are trying to avoid any THC, a CBD isolate is the way to go since it lacks all the other components of the plant. Full spectrum CBD products will contain every compound the plant has to offer.

stomachNegative Side Effects of CBD

Some of the side effects include loss of appetite, feeling dizzy, having diarrhea, dry mouth, feeling tired, and low blood pressure. Moreover, it can interact with some medications you consume. If you are pregnant or breastfeeding, consuming CBD may be dangerous as some contaminants may affect the baby. In any case, the most important factor in avoiding negative CBD side effects is to get a high-quality product. This will ensure that you’re not ingesting any unsafe ingredients or fillers.

If you are planning to conceive soon, you may want to hold off on CBD since there is some evidence suggesting it could reduce fertility.

Avoiding Negative Side Effects of CBD

Your doctor will always be the best person to give you prescriptions and recommendations. In general, self-medication can end badly. This is mostly a concern if you take medicine that CBD interacts with. Therefore always reach out to them first before taking that step into making that CBD purchase to avoid potential interactions. If you are consuming cannabidiol for the first time, it is best to start with small doses. Doctors often recommend that you start small at first and increase the dose over time while monitoring how you feel

Luckily, the negative side effects of CBD are few and usually mild. Of course, talk to your doctor first and treat CBD like any other drug. Much of the information about CBD comes from anecdotal evidence from people who use it. Ask friends or family members who have used CBD how they feel about it. If you decide to take their advice and give it a try, take comfort in the fact that negative side effects of CBD are minimal. Just be aware that it may cause drowsiness, so don’t operate a vehicle if you have taken a high dose. And double check to see if it may interact negatively with any medication you already take.

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