Cheers to the Holidays with CBD+CBDA Cocktails and Mocktails

Posted on December 20th, 2022

During the holidays, we take every chance we can to celebrate, whether that’s with an extra slice of pie, an extra weeknight out, or an extra toast … or three. While it’s easy to slack a little on diet and exercise plans during this rushed time of year, there’s no need to forego your CBD+CBDa routine. In fact, you can use your daily dose to make this time of year more merry by adding our patent-pending, 1:1 ratio of CBD+CBDa to your seasonal cocktails or mocktails.

Not sure how to get started? First, click here to learn more about why our Tanasi team includes both these compounds in our hemp-extracts. Then, keep reading for some seasonal cocktail recipe inspiration!

Pitcher of Eggnog with CBD+CBDa CBD cocktails

Whether you love or love to hate eggnog, it is undeniably one of the most famous of holiday cocktails. The boiled custard in the South is similar to eggnog, and reminds us of melted vanilla ice cream. Try this rich and creamy drink with an added dose of oomph, thanks to the addition of your daily dose of Tanasi hemp extract!


  • 4 large eggs
  • 8 teaspoons fine sugar, divided
  • 4 ounces heavy cream
  • 2 teaspoons pure vanilla extract
  • 1 teaspoon pure almond extract
  • 6 ounces rum
  • Desired serving of CBD+CBD (try one dropper-full from your Tanasi water-soluble drink concentrate)


  1. Separate the egg yolks and whites into two mixing bowls.
  2. Using a hand mixer, beat the yolks until they take on a creamy consistency.
  3. Now, beat the whites, adding 4 teaspoons of sugar until they form soft peaks.
  4. Add vanilla, almond extract and the remaining 4 teaspoons of sugar to the creamy yolks, beating until stiff peaks form.
  5. Add rum and CBD+CBDA, stirring gently.
  6. Slowly fold the cream into the egg whites.
  7. Pour into pitcher and serve immediately, over ice.

Include Everyone with a CBD+CBDA Mocktail

Not everyone wants to get tipsy during the holidays. And many of us want to include teens in holiday festivities. What’s the solution? CBDA+CBD mocktails, of course!

But what is a CBD mocktail and what are examples of mocktails? Are there potential side effects, and what are the benefits of drinking mocktails over cocktails? Keep reading to learn more about mocktails, their potential side effects and benefits and, of course, another great recipe!

CBD+CBDA Mocktails: What Are They

A CBD+CBDA mocktail is a mixed drink that typically replicates cocktails, except it doesn’t contain alcohol. As the name suggests, these types of mocktails we describe contain the Tanasi formula of CBD+CBDA. As for the type of extract that is added to a mocktail, this is usually our Tanasi water-soluble drink concentrate.

CBD Mocktail Recipes

One example is a take on the Bloody Mary. You would use the same ingredients to create a Bloody Mary, but you will exclude alcohol. Instead, you’ll add a few drops of our CBD+CBDA water-soluble drink concentrate, or even our tincture. Another example of a Hemp mocktail is a non-alcoholic Long Island Iced Tea, which will also involve adding CBD+CBDA to it.

Here’s a tip: when you’re making your mocktail, opt to use real fruit or veggies, not canned options. Your CBD+CBDA-infused mocktail will be more nutritious if you do this. Also, if you can find raw hemp leaves, and juice them – you will add a hempy flavor to your drink of choice! The type of fruit or vegetable you should use depends on your preference and the specific mocktail recipe you choose to prepare.

Potential Side Effects

The potential side effects of drinking mocktails with CBD+CBDA include, not getting intoxicated — because there is no alcohol!

The Benefits of Mocktails CBD+CBDA mocktail

With or without a CBD+CBDA infusion, mocktails offer a number of potential benefits for holiday revelers. These include:

1. Won’t Get High … or, Drunk

You don’t have to worry about getting high when you consume CBD. And mocktails don’t contain alcohol, which means you won’t feel intoxicated either. If you want to share a holiday toast with friends and remain a safe and solid designated driver, then consider Tanasi CBD+CBDA drink concentrate infused mocktails.

2. Taste Great

Another benefit of Tanasi CBD+CBDA mocktails is that they taste great. Don’t like the earthy taste of many hemp-extracts? Add them to a mocktail and see how much better they taste! You can experiment too, trying many different recipes. In fact, here’s a tip we love: try out as many mocktails as you can because this will expose you to various drinks. As time goes by, you’ll know which ones you prefer and which ones aren’t your taste. Be mindful to only add your desired dose of Tanasi CBD+CBDA 1:1 formula. We are not recommending you have a bunch of Tanasi CBD+CBDA in every mocktail you make for yourself.

3. Convenient Way to Stay on Track with Supplements

More and more people are turning to Tanasi CBD+CBDA drink concentrate added to mocktails during the holidays because of how convenient they are. Some mocktails only contain a few ingredients that simply need to be blended before adding Tanasi drink concentrate to them. Then, you can enjoy a festive beverage while remembering to take your favorite daily hemp extracted cannabinoid formula — a habit that might otherwise fall by the wayside during the mad rush of holiday celebrations!

Also, you can drink them on the go. Once you make your Tanasi CBD+CBDA mocktail, you can throw one in a carry bottle. It doesn’t matter how busy you are, you’ll find it very easy to get your dosage of CBD+CBA when you’re consuming it via a mocktail. Better yet, you don’t have to worry about open-carry laws because your tasty concoction contains zero alcohol!

Now you know the benefits of mocktails. All you have to do now is either make your own Tanasi CBD+CBDA mocktail or buy a mocktail mix and add your daily dose of Tanasi.

Please note, the tincture and the drink concentrate are very different. We do not recommend adding tincture oil to mocktails, as oil does not mix well with liquids.

Enjoy your holiday festivities!



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