CBDa + CBD Tolerance: Can You Build Up A Resistance Over Time?

Posted on May 4th, 2023

Here at Tanasi, we infuse all of our hemp extracts with a patent-pending, 1:1 formulation of CBD and CBDa that’s 2X more effective than CBD alone. And so many of our customers say this combo gives them the results they’re hoping for. But will those effects be sustainable over time?

Developing a tolerance to something is a relatively simple concept. The human body is very effective at adapting to substances and potentially reducing their efficacy with time. When it comes to a substance you may consume on a daily basis, like our products that contain CBD + CBDa, it is natural to be curious about the potential for tolerance. Luckily, research may have answers. To discover more, keep reading.

What is CBD?

CBD is the acronym for cannabidiol, one of the many compounds found in cannabis plants. Its existence has been known for years, but it’s only recently that it became popular as a plant-based supplement that’s a key part of many customers’ daily routines.  Now, research on CBD is still in its infancy, so we still have questions about CBD tolerance. Still, we plan to delve further into that important subject matter.

What Happens If You Consume CBDa + CBD Daily? 

Building tolerance isn’t a strange concept, and we all experience it. Take something as familiar as coffee or tea. When you first drank either, the boost in energy and concentration was evident and significant. With time, it’s likely that one cup has turned into a few, with substantially less profound effects. 

It makes sense to think that the body will ultimately react the same to CBD as it does to coffee or tea. When you factor in the different ways cannabidiol can be consumed (oils, capsules, tinctures, and edibles), this is certainly a valid concern. However, before we can address whether the body builds a CBD tolerance, we need to first look at how tolerance works.

How Does Tolerance Work?

Tolerance can be split into three primary categories:

  1. Cellular Tolerance- This is when the cells become less responsive to compounds. It explains why you need more coffee over time to stimulate the body. 


  1. Behavioral Tolerance- This occurs when you become attuned psychologically to a substance’s effects. 


  1. Metabolic Tolerance- This happens when less of a substance reaches the intended area. This also causes you to need more of it for the desired effects.

It’s worth noting that tolerance does not have to fall into only one of the categories listed above. It can manifest as a combination of processes, depending on how a substance interacts with your body. 

Also, it’s important to note that the rate at which you become tolerant to a substance varies substantially from one person to another. We all have distinct genetic structures, and physiology differs as well. It may take two weeks for one person to develop tolerance to a certain dose of a substance, while it could take months for another. 

Can CBD Tolerance Be Built Up Over Time? 

It is easy to assume that CBD tolerance can build up over time, but according to early evidence, this is not the case. According to a report by the National Library of Medicine reviewing research on CBD consumption over time, this practice does not lead to tolerance. However, with some users claiming to experience tolerance and others sticking to the same dosage for a long period, these results seem inconclusive. 

Anecdotal evidence may lead to assumptions that CBD tolerance is possible. Regardless, the most important thing to keep in mind is that your body is your own, and if you feel like you’ve developed tolerance over time, perhaps you should try a higher dose. 

Other Possible Reasons for Cannabidiol Losing Potency

Before increasing the dose, it is worth considering if there is another reason the product you’re using may be losing potency. First and foremost, check where you’ve purchased your CBD. If you didn’t shop from Tanasi, you’re likely not enjoying the 2X greater effects of our patent-pending, 1:1 CBD to CBDa formulation. As such, that less effective combination could be the cause of your ‘tolerance.’ But if you’re working with a high-quality product, let’s look at what else could be to blame. 

Combating Reverse Tolerance

Experiencing reverse tolerance implies that your body has gotten better at using CBD and CBDa. This can lead to unexpected results when you take the same dose you’re used to. To combat this, gradually lower your daily CBD dosage until you begin experiencing the expected benefits again. There are other solutions if this does not work, which we will discuss later. 

cbd toleranceTips For Knowing Your CBD Tolerance

Experts recommend starting with a low dose and gradually increasing the strength. Tanasi’s guidelines for starting dosage depend on your weight and desired experience.

To get start, our recommendations range from 10mg of CBD for a mild effect, to 40mg for a strong effect. If you think you can go higher, then gradually do so until you reach the right spot. There’s no need to test yourself by taking a dose that you’re not sure you can handle. There is also no pride to gain by taking a higher dosage than your friends.  Once you come across the right CBD product and dose for you, stick with it. 

Tips for Resetting Your CBD Tolerance

If you have been consuming cannabidiol for a while and notice it is not working as well as before, you can benefit from a tolerance break or rest. Tolerance breaks are common in marijuana users as it gives the cannabinoid receptors time to ‘reset’. The time you need for such breaks usually ranges from 2 to 7 days. In most cases, halting CBD consumption for two days is all you need. 

When you resume CBD intake, consider starting with a lower dose than before, as this can potentially affect your optimal dosage. If the reset didn’t have significant results, you could try increasing the dose. Also, you may want to consider switching brands or using a d