4 Easy Ways to Be More Mindful, Each and Every Day

Posted on February 3rd, 2023

If you’ve heard the buzz about how mindfulness can boost your health, you may be wondering, “What’s the Deal?” Well, according to Dr. Jon Abat-Zinn, author and founder of the Stress Reduction Clinic, mindfulness is about “paying attention in a particular way: on purpose, in the present moment, and nonjudgmentally.” In other words, when you don’t frame your experiences within the context of your busy day, or in comparison with other people’s lives, you get to experience the world in a whole new way by being more mindful (hint: it’s a better one.)

Why is that? As you stop looking ahead, or backward, and just look at the here and now, you are less likely to feel worried or stressed. And, you are more likely to appreciate the beauty of what’s in front of you. Think about it: your child is taking 11 minutes to tie … One … SHOELACE!! But you don’t panic about how long the carpool line will be. You stop and appreciate the fact that, as she sits still, you get to really look at her. After all, she will only be this age for a minute. Suddenly, everything else matters much, much less.

That all sounds good, right? But how are you supposed to practice mindfulness when you are way too busy to just sit in one spot and reflect (a.k.a. meditate.) Never fear: you don’t have to set aside a separate time to be mindful. Instead, work it into specific parts of your daily routine (see our top tips below) and start reaping the benefits, simply by doing the tasks you already have to accomplish.

How to Practice Everyday Mindfulness be more mindful - tanasi ambassadors and affiliates

1. Really Pay Attention to Your Chores

Housework is the worst, right? But what if it was really an opportunity to focus on mindfulness?! Stick with us here … let’s say you’re folding laundry. What if you flipped your attitude and, rather than thinking about how you wish you could be elsewhere, you really focused on the task at hand. What if you took in the rainbow of colors in your folding stack? Or appreciated the cozy flannels and plush towels? Wouldn’t your ‘chore’ seem like less of a burden? And wouldn’t you want to transfer this new, mindful approach to other areas of your life?

Of course, there will still be moments when you’re annoyed by your task, or just plain bored. That’s fine — simply acknowledge what you’re feeling without getting worked up about it. Accepting your emotions and striving to get back to your appreciation of the moment is the toughest — but most important — part of everyday mindfulness.

2.Take a New Approach to Emailing

Email — we all have it, and we all spend a good chunk of our day reading and responding to the messages in those flooded inboxes. Once again, instead of getting panicky about the volume of correspondence you need to sift through, consider these bouts of writing as opportunities to be mindful. Try seeing that writing as a gift of connectedness, one that you will present to another person. And remember that, as with any gift, you must really consider how your recipient will react. To that end, stop and think before hitting the ‘compose’ or ‘send’ buttons. And, as you do, try this technique from MindfulMagazine:

While writing the email, stop and think: who is this going to and how would you like them to receive the message? Make sure your words are clearly understandable, and will not unintentionally lead to offense, anger, or even too much encouragement.

Next, review the draft of your email, thinking again about how you want to be understood and how your reader may perceive the message.

Finally, change anything that needs clarification and send your gift to the digital world. In this way, you’re far less likely to dash off unnecessary messages or trigger a digital argument. Now, think about a world where everyone practiced mindful emailing. You’d have a lot more time to do the things you really love. Which brings us to our next (and final) tip …

3. Do More of What You Love—and Relish the Moment

In the name of everyday mindfulness, why not make yourself this promise: I will do something that I really enjoy. Every day. It doesn’t have to be an elaborate activity: it could be something as simple as picking up your pet and enjoying a few minutes of cuddles. Want to know what will make this daily practice truly impactful? You guessed it … mindfulness!

Instead of rushing through your pet care, or whatever you’ve chosen to focus on, stop and savor what makes this time special. Listen to your cat’s rumbly purr; remember the rough feel of your dog’s tongue as she gives you all the kisses. And don’t think about how, soon, you’ll have to change the kitty litter or take your pooch out for a walk. Just be in the moment, and try to experience it like this is your very first time! In giving yourself permission to fully enjoy the good stuff, you’ll be building the valuable skills that help you find those silver linings, even when times get tough!

4. Next Level Mindfulness: Meditate, CBD and Chill

As we’ve suggest, practicing mindfulness can be a great way to manage stress. And meditation is a powerful mindfulness tool designed to calm your mind and body. That got us thinking: could we take our daily CBD routine and level it up with a dose of mindfulness?

In case you couldn’t guess this, the answer was yes. Since we get our best results when we take our products including a patent-pending blend of CBD+CBDA daily, we decided to practice daily meditation as part of our doing routines. For many of our Tanasi team members, the results were great. Want to see if work for you? We’ll teach you how to meditate, the offer tips for combining CBD and meditation.

Why Meditate?

According to Headspace, “Meditation isn’t about becoming a different person, a new person, or even a better person. It’s about training in awareness and getting a healthy sense of perspective. You’re not trying to turn off your thoughts or feelings. You’re learning to observe them without judgment. And eventually, you may start to better understand them as well.”

With time, meditation can lead you beyond understanding to a state in which your entire body feels calm and balanced.  Which, as it turns out, is what many people say they derive from their CBD routines!

Pairing CBD and Meditation

There are many ways to meditate, and many ways to enjoy our CBD + CBDA products. Aside from the many different delivery methods, you can also play with the timing of your dose to match up to your meditation goals. Want to end your day with mindfulness? Try popping one of our CBD+CBDA gummies and heading into a short meditation routine 30 minutes before bedtime. As part of daily wind-down routine, you just might find the mindfulness you need to sleep soundly.

Looking to start your day with mindfulness to power through your to-list with rock-solid focus? Why not wake up and meditate after adding some water-soluble drink concentrate to your coffee. Setting your intentions to live in the moment, right at the start of your day, can help you be more mindful—all day long!




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